5th 3rd Term 22-23    



Estimats pares i mares:

Sóc Paco, el mestre d’anglés.

A continuació teniu el que han de repassar per a la prova oral i escrita del 3r trimestre.

L’alumnat té anotat en l’agenda el dia de la prova oral i el dia per a la prova escrita.



3rd TERM

Units 5 - 6 

Continguts i “Study Techniques”:

Units 5 - 6: 


Carta a les Famílies

IMPORTANT: En l’enllaç teniu la **CARTA a les famílies** i les STUDY TECHNIQUES 📝 que han de fer i entregar el dia de la prova escrita (recordeu que les Study Techniques valen 1 punt de l’avaluació).  

Oral Test:

ací teniu un exemple de la prova oral:

Unit 5: 


Unit 6: 


Optional Activities: Kahoot Game 1   Kahoot Game 2

(si teniu problemes, he enviat els audios per separat)

IMPORTANT: recordeu que la prova oral val 1 punt de l’avaluació.


Homework 19
Questions and answers with Shakira and Piqué

 Homework-16 Thursday 24th May 2023
Listen and write the fruit and vegetables in the notebook.

Homework-15 Tuesday 22nd May 2023
Draw and write the vocabulary of Unit 6 in the notebook.

Homework-14 Thursday 18th May 2023
Write 6 funny sentences in the past in the notebook.

Homework-13 Thursday 11th May 2023
Finish the texts about Ronaldo and write the mini-texts in your notebook 

Homework-12 Tuesday 9th May 2023
Finish the text about Ronaldo and write the mini-texts in your notebook 

Homework-11 Thursday 4th May 2023
Finish the DIAGRAM IN THE PAST and the sentences in your notebook 
Only sentences 1, 2 and 3.

Homework-10 Tuesday 2nd May 2023
Finish the DIAGRAM IN THE PAST of the photocopy (handout).

Homework-9 Thursday 27th April 2023
Finish the DIAGRAM IN THE PAST of actions in the English book, page 44, activity 1. 
Actions from 6 to 10:
1. I talk to my friends. TALK
2. I use a computer. USE
3. I listen to music. LISTEN 
4. I work hard at school. WORK
5. I share things with my friends. SHARE

Homework-8 Tuesday 24th April 2023
Finish the DIAGRAM IN THE PAST of actions in the English book, page 44, activity 1. 
Actions from 1 to 5:
1. I help at home. HELP
2. I walk to school. WALK
3. I visit my grandparents. VISIT
4. I watch TV. WATCH
5. I look after my pet. LOOK, 

Homework-7 Thursday 20th April 2023
Finish the rectangles with the descriptions of the places in Edinburgh, Scotland:

This was the boat of the Royal British family for over 40 years. 

This place has over 1,000 different animals. 

Mary Queen of Scots once lived here. 

This is a main shopping street in Edinburgh. 

There is an amazing view of the city from this castle. 

It is a very long street with many clothes shops. 

These days the boat is an interesting museum.  

It is the only place in the United Kingdom with koalas and giant pandas. 

Homework-6 Tuesday 28th March 2023

Finish the 3 diagrams of the PAST in the notebook.

Video tutorial for the diagrams of the PAST

Homework  1 Tuesday 14th March 2023

Finish the copies of the Oral Test Class

--------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Term 22-23 finishes here-------



Estimats pares i mares:

🟢 Sóc Paco, el mestre d’anglés. A continuació teniu el que han de repassar per a la prova oral i escrita del segon trimestre.

🟢 Els alumnes tenen anotat en l’agenda el dia de la prova oral i el dia per a la prova escrita.



2nd TERM

Units 3 - 4 

👉Continguts i “Study Techniques”:

Units 3 - 4: https://bit.ly/L4U34Letter2223

(en cas de problemes fer click en: https://bit.ly/L5U34LetterLinks2223)

IMPORTANT: En l’enllaç teniu la CARTA a les famílies i les STUDY TECHNIQUES que han de fer i entregar el dia de la prova escrita (recordeu que les Study Techniques valen 1 punt de l’avaluació).  

👉 Oral Test:

ací teniu un exemple de la prova oral, gravat per Jess una anterior auxiliar de conversa nostra:

Unit 3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kTBhstkarU8_9rskAjUGwpijIowvgNR0/view?usp=sharing

Unit 4: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zMbYc4hLOpl1R-hweLLvqGZJiCPnNyfJ/view?usp=sharing

IMPORTANT: recordeu que la prova oral val 1 punt de l’avaluació.

Homework 15   Thursday 2nd March 2023
Copy the questions and the answers in the notebook.

Homework   Tuesday 28th February 2023
No homework

Homework 14   Friday 23rd February 2023
Write in the notebook 4 perfect introductions in the past.

Optional homework: Record a video using the Personal Introduction in the PAST, as a famous person.
Optional Homework : Revision of professions with  "Edpuzzle", click on  the link:

Homework 13  Tuesday 21st February 2022

Draw and write adjectives in the notebook.

Essential 2 Vocabulary Adjectives for Professions

Homework 12  Thursday 16th February 2022
Listen and write the professions and in the notebook. Page 34, activity 3 Unit 4, Pupil's Book.
Homework 11  Tuesday 14th February 2022
Copy and draw  the professions in the notebook. Page 34 Activity 1

Homework 10 Thursday 9th February 2023
Read the conversations and write the name of the student in the notebook. Important invent a conversation: 
PDF: Conversations-2 L5 U3 Comparing children 

Homework 9 Tuesday 7th February 2023
Repeat the Online Test for adjectives and comparisson.

Homework 8 Friday 3rd February  2023
Play the Kahoot Game: Animals and Adjectives
Additional Advanced homework:
Copy the model of the comparison for the ASIAN LION and AFRICAN LION in the notebook.
Listen to the description: Asian lion and African Lion

Homework 7 Tuesday 31st January 2023
Look at the digital presentation-1 about animals and write the comparissons in the notebook.    

Optional homework: Comparing elephants ASIAN OR AFRICAN?: copy the photo in the notebook and listen to the audio.

Homework 6 Thursday 26th January 2023
Look at the photos and write the comparissons in the notebook.    

Homework 5 Tuesday 24th January 2023
Look at the photo and write the comparisson in the notebook. 

Homework 4 Thursday 19th January 2023
Draw and write   Group 2 adjectives in the notebook.

Homework 3 Tuesday 17th January 2023
Draw and write   Group 1 adjectives in the notebook.
The activity you played in the playground this morning.

 Homework 2 Thursday 12th January 2023
 Draw and write the 10 animals in the notebook. Page 24 in your English Book.
Look at the model (this is an example of a different unit).
Homework 1 Tuesday 10th January 2023
 Read the the Letter to the Families and draw a DIAGRAM  of the ESSENTIALS in the notebook.

-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1st TERM 2022-2023 October-November-December 

1ST TERM:    Unit 1 and Unit 2

Carta a les famílies:
👉 Unit 1:
👉 Unit 2: https://bit.ly/L5U2xx  (mateix link amb un altre format: https://bit.ly/L5U2xx1)

IMPORTANT: En l’enllaç teniu la CARTA a les famílies i les STUDY TECHNIQUES que han de fer i entregar el dia de la prova escrita. També hi han activitats opcionals (voluntàries)

Oral Test:
ací teniu un exemple de la prova oral:
👉 Unit 1 : https://bit.ly/L5U1oraltest
👉 Unit 2: https://bit.ly/L5U2oraltest

Homework 18 Tuesday 24th November, 2022
Copy the number  and combine the action with the complement in the notebook. Write the action  in the "___ing" form.

1. wear trousers
    wearing trousers
Homework 17 Tuesday 24th November, 2022
Draw and write the sports in the notebook. Pupil's Book, page 14, activity 1.

Homework 16 Tuesday 22nd November, 2022
Finish the handout (the photocopy)

Homework 15 Tuesday 15th November, 2022
Prepare a conversation in the notebook between Shulien and Paco.
Homework 14 Thursday 10th  November, 2022:
Sentences with "I" and a "famous person". Look at the photograpgh and write 3 groups of sentences: Shulien - Piqué and Rubén.

Optional Video Project: Talking about everyday actions.
Optional Video project: Talking about everyday gadgets

Homework 13 Tuesday 8th  November:
 Use the cubes to make 5 groups of sentences.
If you have not got the cubes watch this video: 
I sometimes go shopping with my family.
Shulien always goes fishing with her boyfriend Piqué.
Optional homework:
Watch the video and write the sentences:
Homework 12 Thursday 3rd  November:
 Make the 2 cubes:
Homework 11     Thursday 27th October
1. Write the symbol and the adverb of frequency with the pictures.

Homework 10     TUESDAY 25th October
1. Listen to the audios of Zack and Lucy. Complete the tables.
Homework 9     Thursday 20th October
1. Copy the actions in the notebook.
2. Cut out and glue the actions in the notebook and write the actions.

Homework 8     Tuesday 18th October
Copy the chart of the ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY  in the notebook looking the photograph: 
ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY: Always - usually - often - sometimes - never

Homework 7     Thursday 13th October
Finish the 2 copies:

Write the vocabulary of GADGETS:
Finish  "HAVE YOU GOT...?  or HAS SHE GOT...?" 

Thursday 29th October
Homework 6     Tuesday 11th October
Draw 6 conversations page 4, activity 2. 
Example :
Have you got a pendrive?  No, I haven't.  (Yes, I have.)

Homework 5     Thursday 6th October
Listen to Lewis Smith and write in the correct order the electronic gadgets.
Gadget 1 is ......
Gadget 2 is ......
Gadget 3 is ......
Gadget 4 is ......

Homework 4     Thursday 29th September
Draw pictures and write the words of the ELECTRONIC GADGETS, on Unit 1, Activity 1, PAGE 4. Look at the model (this is an example of a different unit):

Homework 3     Tuesday 27th September
Copy the ESSENTIALS UNIT 1 in the notebook.


Homework 2 Thursday 22nd September:
Write the personal Information of the FLAG in the notebook.

Homework 1 Tuesday 20th September
Complete the information in the FLAG. Glue the FLAG in the notebook

------------------------------------------ END OF SCHOOL YEAR 21-22---------------------------------

Estimats pares i mares:
Sóc Paco, el mestre d’anglés.

A continuació teniu el que han de repassar per a la prova oral i escrita del 3r trimestre.

L’alumnat té anotat en l’agenda el dia de la prova oral i el dia per a la prova escrita.

3rd TERM
Units 5 - 6

Continguts i “Study Techniques”:
Units 5 - 6:

IMPORTANT: En l’enllaç teniu la CARTA a les famílies i les STUDY TECHNIQUES 📝 que han de fer i entregar el dia de la prova escrita (recordeu que les Study Techniques valen 1 punt de l’avaluació).

Oral Test:
ací teniu un exemple de la prova oral:
Unit 5:
Unit 6:

(si teniu problemes, he enviat els audios per separat)
IMPORTANT: recordeu que la prova oral val 1 punt de l’avaluació.
Only for 1 to  1 conversation with Lewis Ronaldo Past Actions
Special Activity with Lewis Smith:
Friday 26th May, 2022
Homework 21 

Thursday 26th May, 2022
Homework 20
Finish the 2 Activities in the notebook.

Friday 20th May, 2022
Homework 19
Finish Activity 2 and Activity 3 in the digital presentation
Homework Fruit and vegetables
Thursday 19th May, 2022
Homework 18
Draw  and write the vocabulary and THERE IS  or  THERE ARE
Tuesday 17th May, 2022
Homework 17
Draw a diagram of the ESSENTIALS Level 5 Unit 6 FRUIT and VEGETABLES in the notebook.

Friday 13 th May, 2022
Homework 16
Draw pictures and write the vocabulary of FRUIT and VEGETABLES.
Page 54, activity 1.  and circle ; THERE IS   or   THERE ARE
Thursday 12 th May, 2022
Homework 15
Draw pictures and write the vocabulary of FRUIT and VEGETABLES.
Page 54, activity 1.
Tuesday 10 th May, 2022
Homework 14
Copy the questions and write the answers in the notebook. Listen to the audio in Pupil's book, page 49, activity 16: 
Possible answers: YES, I DID.      NO, I DIDN'T.

 Write 2 additional questions in your notebook.
Friday 6th May, 2022
Homework 13
Kahoot game 1 for the Simple Past
Thursday 5th May, 2022
Homework 12
Write different combinations of sentences in the PAST SIMPLE, page 48.

Tuesday 3rd May, 2022
Homework 11
Make the paper-craft for the Simple Past.

Friday 29th April, 2022
Homework 10
Play the Kahoot game for the SIMPLE PAST. (repetiu-lo tantes voltes fins que tingueu un 10) Game 1 simple Past Pin number: 07381201

Tuesday 28th April, 2022
Homework 9
Draw the PERFECT  diagrams WITH COLOURS:
1. To live
2. To wash
3. To climb
4. To do the homework.
Tuesday 26th April, 2022
Homework 8
Draw the diagrams  and write sentences using the past in the notebook of page 44 activity 1. Pictures 6-7-8-9-10

Tuesday 12th April, 2022
Homework 7
Draw the diagrams  and write sentences using the past in the notebook of page 44 activity 1. Pictures 1-2-3-4-5

Thursday 7th April, 2022
Homework 6
Draw and write the vocabulary  in the notebook of page 44 activity 1.

Tuesday 5th April, 2022
Homework 5
Write funny examples of the PAST under the 3 diagrams in the notebook.
(0,05 points of the 3rd term)
Tuesday 22nd March, 2022
Homework 4
Cut out and glue the 3 diagrams of the PAST in the notebook.
(0,05 points of the 3rd term)

Optional Homework:
Print the template of the diagram in the simple Past and create your personal diagrams wih your personal verbs: 
I share hings with my friends.
I cook delicious food for my family.
I talked to my friends.

Tuesday 22nd March, 2022
No Homework
We talked abou books in class
Tuesday 29th March, 2022
No Homework 
We went to the Recycling plant.
Friday 22nd March, 2022
Homework 3
Cut out and glue the 3 diagrams of the PAST in the notebook.
(0,05 points of the 3rd term)

Thursday 24th March, 2022
Homework 2
Write and fill in the 6 diagrams in the notebook for the SIMPLE PAST. 
(0,05 points of the 3rd term)
Tuesday 22nd March, 2022
Homework 1
Draw a total of 6 empty  diagrams in the notebook for the SIMPLE PAST. 
(0,05 points of the 3rd term)

--------------------2nd TERM 21-22 --------------


2nd TERM
Units 3 - 4

Links reparats
en la "Carta a les famílies" i les "Study Techniques":
L5U34 Carta21-22

IMPORTANT: En l’enllaç teniu la CARTA a les famílies i les STUDY TECHNIQUES que han de fer i entregar el dia de la prova escrita (recordeu que les Study Techniques valen 1 punt de l’avaluació).

Oral Test:
ací teniu un exemple de la prova oral, gravat per Jess la nostra auxiliar de conversa:

Unit 3 Audio example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kTBhstkarU8_9rskAjUGwpijIowvgNR0/view?usp=sharing

Unit 4 Audio example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zMbYc4hLOpl1R-hweLLvqGZJiCPnNyfJ/view?usp=sharing
Friday 4th March 2022
Homework 23
Finish Activities 3 and 4 of the STUDY TECHNIQUES
Units 3 - 4: https://bit.ly/L5U34Letter21-22
Thursday 3rd March 2022
Homework 22
Finish Activities 1 and 2 of the STUDY TECHNIQUES
Tuesday 1st March 2022
Homework 21
Write the photographs in the past:
Friday 25th February 2022
Homework 20
Cut out and glue the pictures and labels of professions in the notebook. Write an example of To Be in the "past" and "present".
My father was a scientist. Today, he is a soldier in the army.
Copy and complete with the verb TO BE in the past the sentences in the notebook: was/were:
1._Yesterday I _____ at the cinema at 11 o'clock.
2. Yesterday  you  _____ at school with Kyle.
3. Yesterday youy _____ very happy to see Kyle again.
4. It ______ my dog. Now it belongs to another person.
5. Kyle  ______ a very good friend. Today she is in the Philippines. 
6. We  ______ at home yesterday, but today we are in Disneyland.
7. He  ______ an excellent football player last week, but now he is at the hospital.
8. They are very good persons today, but last year they  _____ terrible children at school.

Thursday 24th February 2022
Homework 19
Read the texts and copy the profession in the notebook.

Tuesday 22nd February 2022
Homework 18 
Fill in the gaps of the sentences using the verb TO BE in the past. E.G Was, Were.
1. We _____ small children in year 1.
2. I ______ playing tennis yesterday.
3. They ______ playing basketball last week.
4. You _____ weak last year, now you are strong.
5. She _______ short but now she is very tall. 
6. He ________ talking to my mum. 
7. I ______ on a plane yesterday. 
8. They ______ at Paco's house two days ago. 
9. You ______ in a restaurant with your friends last weekend.
10. He _____ on the beach in Cullera yesterday.  
Optional Homework: Translate the sentences into Valencian or Spanish.
Friday 18th February 2022
Homework 17
Finish in the digital book activity 3 and in the notebook. Page 34, activity 3 Unit 4, Pupil's Book.
Thursday 17th February 2022
Homework 16
Write 3 sentences in the notebook about Lewis. 
Use TO BE (present: am-is-are) and TO BE (past: was-were)
Example: Paco is a teacher today. But he was a student yesterday.

Tuesday 15th February 2022
Homework 15
Draw and write the professions, page 34, Activity 1, Pupil's book, Unit 4.

Friday 11th February 2022
Homework 14
Read the conversations and write the name of the boy or girl:
Optional Activity 2: Read and complete the adjectives.
Tuesday 10th February 2022
 Homework 13.
 Finish the  worksheet of "COMPARING TEACHERS"
OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: Copy the sentences in the notebook and fill in the gaps with: AM - IS - ARE

Tuesday 8th February 2022
 Homework 12.
 Write 6 sentences comparing Adrià, Lewis and Paco.

Friday 4th February 2022
 Homework 11.
Write the adjectives in the "Special Copy":
 Additional Advanced homework:
Copy the model of the comparison for the ASIAN LION and AFRICAN LION in the notebook.
Thursday 3rd February
 Homework 10.
Optional:  Copy and fill the verb TO BE in te notebook
Tuesday 1st February
 Homework 9.
Necessary: Write sentences in the notebook, Comparing animals Presentation 2 
Optional 1: Glue photographs in the notebook and write 5 comparisons
Optional 2: Do an online Revision Test: Revision Test Paco

Friday 28th January 2022
Homework 8
Find and write the opposites 
Optional 1: Glue photographs in the notebook and write 5 comparisons

Thursday 27th January 2022
Homework 7
Write the comparatives of ADJECTIVES Groups 1 and 2 in your notebook.
old - older
Optional 1: Glue photographs in the notebook and write 5 comparisons
Optional 2: Do an online Revision Test: Revision Test Paco

Tuesday 25th January 2022
Homework 6
Write the comparisson of the animals in your notebook.
Example:  The hippo is bigger than the baboon.


Thursday 20th January 2022
Homework 4
Draw Anastasio,  write the body parts and a short description (Slides 3 and 4). Look at the Digital Presentation "English Section 3 Rectangles 16-17 Verb TO HAVE"
Tuesday 18 January 2022
Homework 3
Write the adjecives in the notebook. Look at the Digital Presentation.
 (if you have problems look at the PDF presentation)
Thursday 13th January 2022
Listen the 2 activities about animals:
Activity 1 Listen to Paco. Draw and write the animals in the notebook. 
 Excellent Presentation. 
 Activity 2: Listen and do the Vocabulary Quiz Online. Write the animals in the notebook in the correct order.


TUESDAY 11th January 2022
Homework 1
Write and draw pictures of the animals, page 24, activity 1, unit 3.
1st TERM 2021-2022 October-November-December 
Oral test Part 1
Oral test Part 2
Liveworksheets TO BE "am-is-are in green" Write : am, is or are.
Liveworksheets TO BE "3 activities in white"
Liveworksheets TO BE "Sentence Building
Oral Test Activity  
Copy Agenda English Section 1 in the notebook:


1st TERM
Units 1 - 2

 Carta a les famílies (fer clic en):
Unit 1: https://bit.ly/L5UNIT1a
Unit 2: https://bit.ly/L5UNIT2a                                                                           

IMPORTANT: En cada enllaç teniu la CARTA a les famílies i les STUDY TECHNIQUES que han de fer i entregar el dia de la prova escrita. També hi han activitats opcionals (voluntàries)

 Oral Test:
ací teniu un exemple de la prova oral, gravat per Jess, una auxiliar de conversa:
Unit 1: https://bit.ly/L5U1oraltest
Unit 2: https://bit.ly/L5U2oraltest

THURSDAY 2nd of December
Homework 25.
Write in the notebook the ACTIONS AT THE MOMENT Pupil's Book, page 19, activity 16. Write 6 examples
 1. He is sailing. = He's sailing.
TUESDAY 30th November 2021
Homework 24: 
Play the Kahoot game and copy the correct sentences in the notebook:

Game PIN: 07400803
FRIDAY 26th November 2021
Homework 23: 
Draw and copy the sentences in the notebook, Pupil's book, page 18, activity 11 (Tuesday 30th of November)
THURSDAY 25th November 2021
Homework 22: 
Copy examples from the story, pages 16 and 17. ACTIONS AT THE MOMENT.
Tuesday 18th November 2021
Homework 21: 
 Fill in the gaps in the sentences in the digital presentation.
Thursday 18th November 2021
Homework 20: 
Write 3 situations for ACTIONS AT THE MOMENT about Lewis and Paco
Example of a situation with Paco:     Look,
                                                                Paco likes books.                                                
                                                                   He is reading a book.
Tuesday 16th November 2021
Homework 19: 
Write 3 situations for ACTIONS AT THE MOMENT in the notebook.
Example of a situation:     Look,
                                                I like books.                                                
                                                I'm reading this book.
 Video project:

Video project:

Friday 12th November 2021
Homework 18: 
Draw and write the sports in the notebook. Pupil's Book, page14, activity 1.
Thursday 11th November 2021
Homework 17: 
 Copy and fill in the sentences for ACTIONS AT THE MOMENT in the notebook. 
Go to your agenda, English Section- 5 Rectangle 23.

Tuesday 9th November 2021
Homework 16: 
 Copy and complete the sentences in the notebook. Fill in the gaps:

Friday 5th November 2021
Homework 15: 
Copy and complete the sentences in the notebook. Fill in the gaps:

Optional Homework
Write sentences like the example looking the photograpgh:
"I often listen to music"

🇬🇧 Tuesday 2nd November, 2021
Homework 14:
Make 2 conversation page  9, activity 16 and 17, Unit 1.
 Look at the example (Tutorial Mini poster conversation)
(Remember, the example of the conversation is from a different unit. You have to write a conversation of Unit 1, page 9, activities 16-17)

🇬🇧 Thursday 28th October, 2021
Homework 13:
Make 2 mini-posters of a conversation between Paco and Lewis.
🇬🇧 Tuesday 26th October, 2021
Homework 12:
Finish the special copy for ZAK and LUCY.
Listen and complete the table:

🇬🇧 Friday 22nd October, 2021
Homework 11:
Write the actions under the pictures in the special copy.
🇬🇧 Thursday 21st October, 2021
Homework 10:
Write sentences in the notebook looking at the digital presentation. 
🇬🇧 Tuesday 19th October, 2021
Homework 9:
Make and finish the cube for VERBS and ACTIONS (Thursday 21st)
🇬🇧 Friday 15th October, 2021
Homework 8:
Copy the actions of the digital presentation and write the number.

🇬🇧 Thursday 14th October, 2021
Homework 7:
Make and finish the cube of ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY

🇬🇧 Thursday 8th October, 2021
Homework 6:
Write sentences using the gadgets and the ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY.
Example: I never use a calculator.
🇬🇧 Thursday 7th October, 2021
Homework 5:
Write and copy the situations of "LIKES AND DISLIKES", English Section 3, rectangles 16 "Likes and dislikes".

🇬🇧 Tuesday 5th October, 2021
Homework 4:
Write in order the ELECTRONIC GADGETS, listening to Lewis Smith:
Listen to Lewis Smith and write in the correct order the electronic gadgets.
Gadget 1 is ......
Gadget 2 is ......
Gadget 3 is ......
Gadget 4 is ......
🇬🇧 Friday 1st October, 2021
Homework 3:
Draw pictures and write the words of the ELECTRONIC GADGETS, on Unit 1, Activity 1. Look at the model (this is an example of a different unit):
Optional Activity:
Listen to Lewis Smith and write in the correct order the electronic gadgets.
Gadget 1 is ......
Gadget 2 is ......
Gadget 3 is ......
Gadget 4 is ......
Thursday 30th September 2021 
🇬🇧 Homework-2
Prepare and colour a mini-poster for Lewis Smith.
Tuesday 28th September 2021 
🇬🇧 Homework-1
Copy the ESSENTIALS UNIT 1 in the notebook. Write the activity and the page of the ESSENTIALS: :us:

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