SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023  

Special Class Monday 12th June 2023
Kahoot: Wh questions
Kahoot: Prepositions

Homework 18 Friday 26th May 2023

Homework 17 Wednesday 24th May, 2023
Finish the WH-questions. Picture dictionary.

Homework 16 Monday 22nd May, 2023
Write diagrams of the SIMPLE PAST. Vocabulary Activity Pictures from 5 to 10.

Homework 15 Friday 19th May, 2023
Finish the WH-questions. Picture dictionary.

Homework 14 Wednesday 17th May, 2023
Copy and complete the texts  A-B-C-D  using the Simple Past in the notebook.

Monday 15th May, 2023
Homework 13
Write in the notebook the: Special Oral Test Training Unit 5 Simple Past. "Mm... I remember now..."

Friday 12th May, 2023
Homework 12
Finish the worksheet of the Simple Past.

Monday 8th May, 2023
Homework 11
Game PIN: 08442706

Friday 5th May, 2023
Homework 10
Draw the Diagrams of the  past and write the sentences in the notebook. 
Sentences  1-2-3

Wednesday 3rd May, 2023
Homework 9
Special copy.

Friday 28th April, 2023
Homework 8
No obligatory homework.

Wednesday 26th April, 2023
Homework 8
Watch the video tutorial and repeat the activity in the notebook. Draw and guess the verb. Write the verb in the PAST

Monday 24th April, 2023
Homework 7
Draw diagrams of the PAST with the actions/verbs  of the "Inventors". Pupil's book, page 45, activity 4.

Wednesday 19th April, 2023
Homework 6
Special project the INVENTORS
1. Open your Pupil's Book, page 45, activity 4 and listen to the inventors and the inventions.
Audio for the Pupil’s Book: Listening to the Inventors PB, p 45, Act.4
Photo of the Pupil’s Book: Pupil’s book, page 45. Activity 4
2. Identifica els verbs en passat que acaben en “-ED” (exemples: painted, invented, designed, etc.)
3. Número de verbs en cada text: 
Text-1: 3 verbs - 
Text-2: 4 verbs - 
Text-3: 2 verbs - 
Text-4: 3 verbs
4. Activity : Retalla i pega a la llibreta (mira el dibuix de la llibreta com a exemple), classificant les fotos en: INVENTOR - INVENTION - YEAR OF THE INVENTION. Important: copia les frases de passat en la llibreta.



Wednesday 29th March, 2023
Go to the  book and do activity 3, Unit 5.
Listen to the Vocabulary Quiz. and write the words in the notebook. 
Audio: Pupil's book, page 44, activity 3.

Homework 4
Draw pictures of the inventions and write the words and the sentences.

Homework 3
Special copy of 8 clocks analogue and digital time.

Homework 2
Special copy of clocks

Homework 1
Cut out, match  and glue the clocks in order in your notebook.

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