SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024
Classwork  Thursday 2nd November  2023

 SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023  




Estimats pares i mares:

Sóc Paco, el mestre d’anglés.

A continuació teniu el que han de repassar per a la prova oral i escrita del tercer trimestre.

L’alumnat te anotat en l’agenda el dia de la prova oral i el dia per a la prova escrita.

També teniu un video tutorial de les STUDY TECNIQUES en la carta a les famílies (recordeu que valen 1 de l'avaluació)


3rd TERM 

Units 5 - 6 : 



Essentials Unit 5 Inventions

Essentials Unit 6 Helping people

IMPORTANT: En l’enllaç teniu la CARTA a les famílies i les STUDY TECHNIQUES que han de fer i entregar el dia de la prova escrita (recordeu que les Study Techniques valen 1 punt de l’avaluació).  

ORAL TEST preparation:

IMPORTANT: recordeu que la prova oral val 1 punt de l’avaluació.






Opcional: Entreu en internet i jugueu a tantes voltes com pugueu, quan mes millor i mes aprendreu!!!!! Heu d’aconseguir 100% 

1. Kahoot game : Simple Past Game 1   Game PIN: 06684667

2. Kahoot game: Simple Past Game 2    Game PIN: 06635381

3. Kahoot game: Simple Past Game 3 (the most difficult)  Game PIN: 09092376

4. Kahoot game: Simple Past Game 4 Revision     Game PIN: 08321223

5. Kahoot Game: Wh questions Game 1: Game PIN: 01473014

6. Kahoot Game: Wh questions Game 2: Game PIN: 08555879

 Homework 20 Wednesday 31st May 2023
Study techniques Pages 1 and 2
Homework 19 Monday 29th May 2023
Wh-questions special copy

 Homework 18 Friday 26th May 2023

Homework 17 Wednesday 24th May, 2023
Finish the WH-questions. Picture dictionary.

Homework 16 Monday 22nd May, 2023
Write diagrams of the SIMPLE PAST. Vocabulary Activity Pictures from 5 to 10.

Homework 15 Friday 19th May, 2023
Finish the WH-questions. Picture dictionary.

Wednesday 17th May, 2023
Homework 14
Copy and complete the texts  A-B-C-D  using the Simple Past in the notebook.
Monday 15th May, 2023
Homework 13
Write in the notebook the: Special Oral Test Training Unit 5 Simple Past. "Mm... I remember now..."
Special Oral Test Training Unit % Simple Past. "Mm... I remember now..."

Friday 12th May, 2023
Homework 12
Finish the worksheet of the Simple Past.

Monday 8th May, 2023
Homework 11
Game PIN: 08442706

Friday 5th May, 2023
Homework 10
Draw the Diagrams of the  past and write the sentences in the notebook. 
Sentences  1-2-3

Wednesday 3rd May, 2023
Homework 9
Special copy.

Friday 28th April, 2023
Homework 8
No obligatory homework.

Wednesday 26th April, 2023
Homework 8
Watch the video tutorial and repeat the activity in the notebook. Draw and guess the verb. Write the verb in the PAST

Monday 24th April, 2023
Homework 7
Draw diagrams of the PAST with the actions/verbs  of the "Inventors". Pupil's book, page 45, activity 4.

Wednesday 19th April, 2023
Homework 6
Special project the INVENTORS
1. Open your Pupil's Book, page 45, activity 4 and listen to the inventors and the inventions.
Audio for the Pupil’s Book: Listening to the Inventors PB, p 45, Act.4
Photo of the Pupil’s Book: Pupil’s book, page 45. Activity 4
2. Identifica els verbs en passat que acaben en “-ED” (exemples: painted, invented, designed, etc.)
3. Número de verbs en cada text: 
Text-1: 3 verbs - 
Text-2: 4 verbs - 
Text-3: 2 verbs - 
Text-4: 3 verbs
4. Activity : Retalla i pega a la llibreta (mira el dibuix de la llibreta com a exemple), classificant les fotos en: INVENTOR - INVENTION - YEAR OF THE INVENTION. Important: copia les frases de passat en la llibreta.



Wednesday 29th March, 2023
Go to the  book and do activity 3, Unit 5.
Listen to the Vocabulary Quiz. and write the words in the notebook. 
Audio: Pupil's book, page 44, activity 3.

Homework 4
Draw pictures of the inventions and write the words and the sentences.

Homework 3
Special copy of 8 clocks analogue and digital time.

Homework 2
Special copy of clocks

Homework 1
Cut out, match  and glue the clocks in order in your notebook.
--------------------2nd TERM 22-23 --------------
🇬🇧  Homework-17  Friday  3rd March, 2023 
Start doing the STUDY TECHNIQUES Units 3 and 4. 

...ENGLISH TEST 202-2023

2nd TERM 

Units 3 - 4 : 

0️⃣ https://bit.ly/L6U34Families2223

Per si el link anterior no es veguera, adjunte en el següent missatge la carta en “pdf”.

ORAL TEST preparation:

UNIT 3  Part 1 

1️⃣ https://bit.ly/L6U3OralTestPart1

UNIT 3 Part 2  

2️⃣ https://bit.ly/L6U3oraltestpart2

UNIT 4 Part 1 

1️⃣ https://bit.ly/L6U3part1oraltest

UNIT 4 Part 2 

2️⃣ https://bit.ly/L6U4part2oraltest

UNIT 4 Part 3 

3️⃣ https://bit.ly/L6U4part3oraltestLULA


Online  Test: What time is it? number 1 

Online  Test: What time is it? number 2

Liveworksheets To BE in the past: WAS-WERE

Liveworksheets Time 1

Liveworksheets Time 2

Liveworksheets Time 3  

Liveworksheets Time 4

Liveworksheets Time 5

Liveworksheets Time 6

🇬🇧  Homework-16  Wednesday  1st March, 2023 
Play the Kahoot Game: Learning any time 1 Game PIN: 04845013
Play the Kahoot Game: Learning any time 2 Game PIN: 01170183

🇬🇧  Homework-15  Monday  27th February, 2023 
Activity 1: Put the words in order.
Activity 2: Fill in the gaps
Watch the digital presentation and copy the words in the correct order in your notebook. 


🇬🇧  Homework-14  Friday  17th February, 2023 
Activity 1: Draw pictures and write the parts of the city. Unit 4 vocabulary. page 34.

🇬🇧  Homework-13  Wednesday  8th February, 2023 
There are 2 activities:
1. Copy examples of THERE IS/ARE from the story, pages 26-27 in the notebook.
2. Answer TRUE or FALSE of Activity 9, page 26 in the notebook.
🇬🇧  Homework-12  Monday  6th February, 2023 
Click on the link and  watch the video. 
Activity-1: Write the numbers and the food in your notebook. 
Activity-2: Write a description of the fridge in your notebook.

Optional Advanced-1: 
Imagine you are a teacher, prepare an activity for the verb TO BE. Example
Watch the video and answer the questions: Video of the SUPER FRIDGE
Continue Making"THE SUPER FRIDGE¨.Due date Friday 10th of February.

Optional Advanced-2: 
Do an online Revision Test: Revision Test Paco
Do the activities in the video and in the notebook:
🇬🇧   Friday 3rd February, 2023 
Continue Making"THE SUPER FRIDGE¨.Due date Friday 10th of February.

🇬🇧  Homework-11   Wednesday 1st February, 2023 
Make"THE SUPER FRIDGE", using a shoe-box. Due date Friday 10th of February.

🇬🇧  Homework-10   Monday 30th January, 2023 
Write a description of Alfred's or Paco's Fridge:
Alfred's Fridge:
Paco's Fridge

🇬🇧  Homework-9   Wednesday 25th January, 2023 
Copy these sentences in the notebook:

🇬🇧  Homework-8   Wednesday 25th January, 2023 

🇬🇧  Homework-7  Monday 23rd January, 2023 

🇬🇧  Homework-6   Friday 20th January, 2023
1. Write a, an or some (any) in the gaps. Copy the words in the notebook.

Copy this activity in the notebook.


🇬🇧  Homework-5   Wednesday 18th January, 2023
1. Cut out the photos of the food and glue them in the notebook. Write the name and the correct option of: SINGULAR - PLURAL - SPECIAL

Go to the internet and do interactive "liveworksheets":Interactive worksheet 3 There is - There are  //   a/an - some (any)  

🇬🇧  Homework-4   Monday 13th January, 2023
1. Listen to the audio in the digital book, page 24, activity 3 Vocabulary Quiz online. Write the words in the notebook.    
OPtional: Read and listen the text on page 25, activity 4 and asnwer the questions, activity 5 in the notebook.


🇬🇧  Homework-3   Friday 13th January, 2023
Draw pictures and write the names of the food.

🇬🇧  Homework-2   Wednesday 11th January, 2023
Copy with colours a diagram for the ESSENTIALS-Unit-3 Letter to Families Unit 3
🇬🇧  Homework-1   Monday 9th January, 2023
Design a diagram for the ESSENTIALS - Unit-3

--------------------1st TERM 22-23 --------------

Unit 1

*Carta a les famílies:*
Unit 1: https://bit.ly/L6unit1

Unit 2: https://bit.ly/L6unit2b  (si no funciona proveu aquest https://bit.ly/L6unit2c)

IMPORTANT: En l'enllaç teniu la CARTA a les famílies i les STUDY TECHNIQUES (que valen 1 punt de l’avaluació).

*Oral Test:*
ací teniu un exemple de la prova oral, per a que escolten i practiquen.
Enviar un audio a: english1@felixolmos.com
Unit 1:https://bit.ly/L6U1OralTestPART1

Unit 2 https://bit.ly/L6U2OralTestPART1 


(qui vullga ho te explicat en les STUDY TECHNIQUES)
Unit 1: https://bit.ly/L6U1SimplePresent

🇬🇧  Homework 28 FridaY 2nd December, 2022
 Write the adjectives and THE SUPERLATIVE (top of the top) of Group 2 in the notebook. Write in capital letters the ADJECTIVES in the notebook. Optional write sentences using THE SUPERLATIVE:
Example: Neus is the most creative teacher at school.
              Gemma is the best teacher at school.
Paco is the most dangerous teacher at school.
The church is the highest building in Favara.

 OPTIONAL:Watch this video: Comparatives and Superlatives - World knowledge Quiz AND write 6 examples in the notebook.

Homework 27  🇬🇧 Wednesday 30th November, 2022:
 Draw (or cut out the pictures and glue in the notebook) the adjectives of Group 1 in the notebook. Write in capital letters the ADJECTIVES in the notebook.

🇬🇧  Homework 26 Monday 28th November, 2022
 Draw (or cut out the pictures and glue in the notebook) the adjectives of Group 2 in the notebook. Write in capital letters the ADJECTIVES in the notebook. 

 OPTIONAL HOMEWORK: Look at homework 25 and watch the 2 videos about Lewis and the GEOGRAPHICAL WONDERS. Write in the notebook.
🇬🇧  Homework 25 Friday 25th November, 2022
Listen, draw and write in capital letters the GEOGRAPHICAL WONDERS in the notebook.  Audio: Unit 2 Pupil's book, page 14: Vocabulary quiz Unit 2, page 14, pupil's book, Activity 3
OPTIONAL HOMEWORK: Watch the 2 videos about Lewis.
Video 1: Write the geographical wonders. Word by word.

Video 2: Write the geographical wonders inserted in the descriptions.

🇬🇧  Homework 24 Friday 23rd November, 2022
Copy the diagram of the essentials in a perfect and neat presentation, with colours in the notebook.
🇬🇧  Homework 23 Friday 18th November, 2022
Write s
Look at the digital presentation and write the names of the boys or the girls in the notebook.

🇬🇧  Homework 22 Wednesday 16th November, 2022
Write sentences about HABITUAL ACTIONS in the photocopy.         

Optional Homework
Homework 21 Monday 14th  November:
Make a MINI-POSTER with the conversation of Pupil's book, page 9, activities 16-17.
Look athe example. (Remember the example of the conversation is from a different unit).

Homework 20 Friday 4th  November:
 Write 2 groups of sentences. "Circles of Unit 1- In Your Free Time".:
Group 1: Shakira

Group 2: They 
Photocopy with the information:
Homework 19 Friday 4th  November:
 Write 2 minitexts of pictures 2 and 3 in the copy "Circles of Unit 1- In Your Free Time". Remember the example corrected in your notebook

EXAMPLE: "He is Messi. He is a football player. He is 35 years old. He plays football in France but he doesn't take photos.  Does he like going to pop concerts? Yes, he does."
Homework 18 Friday 4th  November:
 Write 6 minitexts about the pictures in the copy "Circles of Unit 1- In Your Free Time"

EXAMPLE: "He is Messi. He is a football player. He is 35 years old. He plays football in France but he doesn't take photos.  Does he like going to pop concerts? Yes, he does."

Homework 17 Wednesday 2nd  November:
 Write 2 texts about free time activities. Look at the photogragh:
EXAMPLE: "I'm Paco. I'm 56 years old. I like reading history books about the Second World War. I don't like playing the drums. Do you like practising a foreign languag?"

Homework 16 Wednesday 26th  October:
 Write 2 short texts about you and Shulien.
Here you have 2 examples. Text with "I" and text with "She".    
Homework 15 Monday 24th  October:
 Listen and practice the free activities of Juia and Anthony, page 8.
Copy the sentences of: LIKE + ....ING in the notebook.
 Activity 11. Listen and read. Who does more sport?

Optional homework: 
Write a similar text about yourself and your favourite FREE TIME ACTIVITIES, Pupil's Book page 8, activity-11: Julia and Anthony

Homework 14 Friday 21st  October:
 Listen and practice the story, pages 6 and 7.
Copy the sentences of: LIKE + ....ING in the notebook.
 STORY A talented boy.
Optional homework: 
Record with your voice the story. 
Copy in English the Story and translate it into Valencian/Spanish.

Homework 13 Wednesday 19th October:
Glue the pictures of the actions and the labels in the notebook. Write the sentences that Shulien and Paco said in class.

Homework 12     Monday 17th October

Listen to THE STREETWISE YOUTH CLUB: https://bit.ly/L6p5a4club

Optional Activity:
Write a similar text about yourself and your favourite FREE TIME ACTIVITIES, Pupil's Book page 8, activity-11: Julia and Anthony


Homework 11     Friday 13th October
Listen to the audio and write the FREE TIME ACTIVITIES in your notebook.

Optional homework:
1. Write a brief text about yourself like the model:
"I'm Paco. I'm 56 years old. I like reading history books about the Second World War. I don't like playing the drums. Do you like practising a foreign language?"
Monday 10th October 2022
1. Write a brief text about yourself like the model:
"I'm Paco. I'm 56 years old. I like reading history books about the Second World War. I don't like playing the drums. Do you like practising a foreign language?" 
2. Draw pictures and write the words of the activity 1, page 4.
Friday 7th October 2022
Copy with colours with an excellent presentation the diagram of the ESSENTIALS , Unit 1 "In your free time". Copy and complete Rectangles 24 , English section 5, of the agenda in the notebook


4 comentaris:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfPGyb5pZpg

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfPGyb5pZpg

  3. https://es.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_as_a_Second_Language_(ESL)/Personal_pronouns/Personal_Pronouns_et53tv
